The Search

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There is a barrier

at the top of the stairs,

but I’ll climb them anyway, for

I’m drawn by curiosity to this place.

I sense a calm and reflective beauty here

but still, I haven’t found what I’m looking for.

Will I know it when I see it – that place or thing I seek?

Maybe not, but I’ll keep looking. Each step forward changes the view.

Perhaps, it’s just around the corner; but quite possibly it’s forever out of reach.

Before I post a poem, I go to my photo archives and select a picture that I think best represents the poem. It’s not my trademark necessarily, it’s just the way I do things. In this case, the photo is almost too perfect. It makes you think I wrote the poem about this particular place, but I did not. The poem is an urge to move forward, to constantly search for new people to meet, new places to go and new knowledge to gain. Staying grounded in the present is often boring; the past is a good place to visit, but not to dwell; so I look forward. Always forward!

This is my response to today’s one-word prompt: Trademark

Photo taken in Pitlochry, Scotland


  1. I love the poem and I knew the photos was Scotland without being told but when it said Pitlochry I smiled broadly … my mother still (aged 85) orders three sweaters from Pitlochry every year and lucky is the girl who gets the recycling 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. She probably would … like me she has a huge extended family of children from different parents – of course I was predisposed by her so it’s really that I am like her. The more the merrier say I and particularly if we are wearing lovely Scottish woollies.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’d love to visit that place! The symmetry of the scene really satisfies my OCD tendencies.
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