Foto Friday #3


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Summer arrived yesterday and with it, the blooming of one of my favorite flowers—the daisy. Daisies evoke the memory of plucking off petals one by one while reciting the phrase “he loves me” and “he loves me not”. This, according to my older-therefore-much-wiser sister, was an accurate prediction of a young man’s affection. It’s a good thing we had an abundance of daisies when we were growing up, as she and I would perform this whimsical little ritual over and over until we got the answers we wanted!


  1. We used to make daisy chains too, by carefully splitting a section of stem and threading the next flower through the little hole – we would continue flower by flower until we had the length we wanted 🙂

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  2. Oh you as well! We did exactly the same and believed utterly that the Daisy’s petals held the truth in terms of that most important of questions (asked so many times during adolescence as our fickle hearts meandered through various crushes). We also made daisy necklaces and daisy crowns for our heads and daisy chains so long that we could decorate the village hall with them. I loved daisy’s so much that I named my youngest daughter for them – it was always inevitable!

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