The OMG Lamp!

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I was just browsing through WordPress today and noticed the Ragtag Daily Prompt is “lamp”! It brought to mind a recent experience I just had to share with you:

My grandchildren, a 6-year old boy and 9-year old girl, spent the night with my husband and me last Friday. When it was time for bed, I turned on the lamp in the room where they each have a twin bed. It was a beautiful black lamp that went nicely with the decor in their room. Unfortunately, it didn’t work, so I pulled out an old lamp from the far corner of their closet. They both gasped, then squealed with delight! “Oh my gosh, that’s the coolest lamp ever”, my grandson said. “Can we sleep with it on all night long?”, my granddaughter asked. The old antique lamp was such a thrill I have decided they are both old souls at heart! I guess it is now the permanent lamp in their room!

For RDP – Lamp


    1. I couldn’t tell you where it came from – it’s been around for awhile. It might have been my mother’s, and if so, the fact the kids love it so much is even more special!


  1. Actually children have different taste , your lamp is looking so beautiful. Your grandchildren understood that. So they liked it. Loved to read your story 🌹❤️

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes actually they have different taste they feel happy with very little things.They are so innocent so . God bless your grandchildren ❤️❤️. I have a daughter .


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