My New Year’s “Non” Resolution


What is it about turning the calendar to January that compels us to make promises to ourselves that we know we cannot keep? There comes a point in life when a new year’s resolution is no longer necessary… I’m not even sure it’s wise. I think I may have reached that point!

I used to set goals for myself every year, which is all well and good when you’re younger, but this year I will make no resolution. I intend to just congratulate myself on another year in this increasingly crazy world. I will make no demands of myself other than to do the best I can with each day as it comes. The best I can do on one day may be different from what I can do (or choose to do) on another… it’s called getting older. It’s also called balancing the needs with the pleasures of life.

By finally demanding less of ourselves, it’s much easier to realize that life was never meant to be perfect. It was meant to be beautiful, in its own flawed way. So, hurrah and Happy New Year to you! May it be a year to simply “sit a spell” in happiness and peace.

For RDP: Hurrah


  1. The best to wish you then is a peaceful new year, full of quiet satisfactions and the
    odd flurry of excitement! Just what I wish for, as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Amen to your take on resolutions! And the photo describes “beauty” in a dozen different ways. Here’s hoping you continue to share your camera takes with your readers in 2024 (a hope, not a resolution 😉 )

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Happy New Year!! I’m like you just happy to be here and enjoy another year around the sun. No resolutions for me! What a lovely post and cheers to a new year!! ❤️🥂🎉

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  4. That is such a fresh and healthy attitude towards New Year’s resolutions! There’s nothing magical about the first of January that makes it easier to achieve goals than it would be at other times of the year and it’s crazy to think we can suddenly completely overhaul our eating habits on January 1 — when we ate whatever we wanted up until the day before. Happy New Year to you and your family 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 1 person

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