Deliberate Persistence


On the opposite side of the creek

a dog barks in the night

with such persistence that I wonder

what he sees, hears, or smells.

Perhaps an owl has perched himself in a nearby tree,

or a fox is roaming the banks that separate us, the dog and I,

or fat raccoons scurry for shelter from a plethora of dangers.

It could be anything really, or nothing at all.

Maybe the dog is just overwhelmed by the darkness

which sits heavily on the shoulders of the night,

broken only briefly when the clouds drift apart

and the moon blesses the earth with its mere presence.

The barking could possibly be a sign of courage,

as the dog confronts the night like a soldier

willing to offer himself up for an unknown cause.

Perhaps his mind nearly explodes

with thoughts he can’t express,

so he barks with deliberate persistence in the hope

that those of us who hear him will understand.


  1. Such a thought-provoking piece. I enjoyed how the photo and the writing don’t reveal the time of night. It could be dusk or just before dawn; the moment is equally pensive.


  2. Love this poem. Am just trying to get back to things today and your blog was a good place to start!


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