

On my walk the other day, I stood at the bridge overlooking the creek like I’ve done a thousand times, and noticed a patch of ripples I’d never seen before. The recent rains must have created an obstacle that interfered with the normal flow of water. It struck me how life is like that. There are long spells of drifting casually through life, then suddenly—out of nowhere—ripples appear. It can be difficult to predict the intensity of the disruption, but we’ve no choice other than to wade through the gentle waves, or ride out the massive ones, until the flow of life is smooth again.

Here’s hoping the most common “ripple” effect you experience is that of happiness and kindness… but that, of course, is a whole different story!


  1. Life, much like a box of chocolates, is full of surprises. Sometimes you bite into a scrumptious caramel delight; other times, you’re met with that bizarre orange cream filling that nobody asked for. I hope all is well in your part of the world. Aiva xx

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  2. That is such a lovely picture. Here’s hoping all your ripples are good ones! What a gorgeous place to have on your doorstep!


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  3. I love how your photo reflects objects that can’t be seen higher up in the frame. Bit of an optical illusion there. Also, the water is so clear it’s almost like you’re looking at the actual objects, just upside down.

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